NBCC is seeking subject matter experts for the continuing development of our examinations. This opportunity allows you to put your experience and expertise to work ensuring effective and fair examinations for counselors across the country.
“NBCC’s examinations are developed by counselors for counselors,” says Vice President of Credentialing and Quality Assurance Callie Marino. “As experienced counselors, clinicians, and counselor educators, subject matter experts are vital to that process. Assessments play such a critical role in helping to shape the profession, so the more engagement we have from counselors, the better the overall outcome.”
Subject matter experts, or SMEs, are experienced counselors who provide the guidance needed to make sure NBCC’s examinations are grounded in current counseling practice and theory. SMEs help in many ways, including providing insight, reviewing items, hearing appeals, and even writing items for an examination.
“Working with our SMEs is the highlight of my job,” says Assessment Project Manager Courtney Lambeth. “Their commitment to the profession inspires me, and they often share how the experience inspires them. I look forward to the opportunity to work with even more people and see how our work together positively impacts the counseling profession.”
NBCC seeks to engage SMEs who bring a broad diversity of experiences, contexts, and specialized professional knowledge. Having SMEs with broad personal and professional experience and expertise ensures that the examinations reflect the complexity of the professional community and client populations counselors serve. SME committees that are inclusive of the wide array of experiences and contexts ensure that examination development is more fair and results in unbiased assessments.
SMEs are required to undergo training, provided at no cost by NBCC. This training will improve their understanding of psychometric methods and NBCC’s examinations. This training and experience as an SME are also helpful in other areas of one’s professional life. They can give a résumé boost and provide valuable professional development.
Most SME work and training are conducted remotely. Some SMEs may participate in the standard-setting and job analysis activities, which require an in-person meeting at NBCC headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina. NBCC covers all travel expenses.
Currently, NBCC is particularly looking for contributors with interest in standard-setting for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE). Requirements to serve as an SME for the NCMHCE are a master’s degree or higher in counseling, a clinical mental health counselor license or the Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC) credential, at least 2 years of experience, and a passing score on the NCMHCE. Applicants who meet the other criteria but have not taken the NCMHCE will have the opportunity to take it free of charge.
Serving as an SME is a unique opportunity to engage with NBCC and advance the counseling profession. For more information or to apply, visit our website.